Get 15% off for 2 courses!

This course pack bundle offers a full access to the content of 2 workshops at a 15% discount. In addition to a discount you will also get a 1 hour complementary consultation with Yulia Hanansen, 30 min for each course. This offer is valid within 6 months of purchase.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are both courses at the same Level of studies?

"Iris Flower Mosaics" is for all levels, while "Peony Mosaics" is for Intermediate/Advanced levels. I recommend that you complete "Iris Flower Mosaics" first.

Is there a Supply List and do you provide a Design?

Yes, both courses have downloadable PDF and JPEG files with supply and resource lists and printable copies of the design.

My bundle includes 1 hr complementary consultation. How do I schedule it? Does consultation offer expire?

Please contact me and we can schedule a phone or a Zoom consultation. This offer is valid within 6 months of purchase.

This bundle is not available for purchase.